Public Services Assistant Tierney Leonard Takes Joy in Helping West LA Students
This month, we’re pleased to introduce Tierney Leonard, public services assistant
at the West Los Angeles Graduate Campus Library, as this month’s featured Pepperdine
Libraries staff member. Tierney hails from Mansfield, Texas, a suburb of the Dallas-Fort
Worth area. She completed her undergraduate degree from Texas Tech University in Lubbock,
majoring in electronic media and communications with a minor in film history. Before
accepting the job at West LA, she was very familiar with Pepperdine: Tierney holds
a master of fine arts in screenwriting from Seaver College.
I recently visited with Tierney at the West LA campus and chatted with her.
Jeffrey Bowen: Thanks for taking some time to speak with me. What a beautiful library and campus.
Tierney Leonard: I agree! Although we don’t have the ocean views you have at Payson and Drescher, the West LA campus makes up for it with its stunning contemporary architecture and impeccable interior design. I especially enjoy taking in the sun while eating lunch in our lovely outdoor seating area.
JB: That sounds like a relaxing way to take a break. What does your typical day look like?
TL: I consider my role as one of customer service. I spend most of my day assisting students with library functions such as printing and booking study rooms. I also assist faculty with the podcasting suite and one button studio in our iLab.
JB: Is this your first customer service-style role?
TL: Actually, no. I’ve held positions with the Walt Disney Company, working at both Disneyland and Walt Disney World. Disney sets the bar for creating a positive environment for its guests. The experience gave me a solid foundation in customer service, preparing me to help meet the information seeking needs of West LA students, faculty, and staff.
JB: What’s your favorite part of the job?
TL: My favorite part of the job is interacting with the students, since the WLA campus serves mostly commuter students, our patrons are pretty diverse and the things they need assistance with can be all over the board. I take pride in the fact that every day I impact learning by helping students with all of their library needs, often in collaboration with [West Los Angeles campus librarian] Gabrielle Riter.
JB: One final question before I go. What's the best part about working at Pepperdine?
TL: The best part of working for Pepperdine is the community. Everyone I've gotten to know is so kind and caring. It makes it easy for an introverted person like myself to enjoy the company.