Video Recordings of Events

Paul Contino discussed his latest book, "Dostoevsky's Incarnational Realism," which offers a theological study of Fyodor Dostoevsky's final novel, "The Brothers Karamazov."

We welcomed Catherine Meeks (George Pepperdine College, '70) for a conversation about the journalist and activist Ida B. Wells and about her time as a student at Pepperdine.

Kelsey Knox presented on our collection of Malibu tiles and how we make them more widely available through our digitization efforts.

Chris Doran's research seeks to articulate a Christian theological response to both human and nonhuman migration and displacement due to the climate crisis.

Malibu poet laureate John Struloeff read from "The Work of a Genius," his newest book of poems inspired by the life of Albert Einstein.

From a manuscript scroll to the latest in printing technology, Melissa Nykanen gave a history of the Bible as seen in examples from Pepperdine's rare and historic collections.

Brenda E. Stevenson (UCLA) presented on race relations in LA for the second installment of our Larry Donnell Kimmons Memorial Lecture Series.

Jason Blakely (Pepperdine), Michael A. Helfand (Pepperdine), and Samuel D. Rocha (University of British Columbia) discussed Dr. Blakely's new book.

Colleen Mullally moderated a panel discussion with open access publishing pros Theo Lynn (Dublin City College) and John Mooney (Pepperdine).

On Thursday, October 29, 2020, Pepperdine Libraries hosted a panel discussion on "Franklin & Washington: The Founding Partnership," the newest book by Edward J. Larson.

On Wednesday, April 10, 2019, Dr. John Emery spoke in Payson Library about the promises and pitfalls of the technology, robotics, and future of war.

On Tuesday, October 23, 2018, former U.S. Representatives David Jolly (R-Fl) and Patrick Murphy (D-Fl) s​poke about the importance of bipartisan partnership.